A Woman of Worth  

Virtues of the Proverbs 31 Woman

Becoming a woman of worth requires developing virtues that will help you along your journey, and the woman described in Proverbs 31 possesses these virtues.

Charm is deceitful and beauty is passing,

But a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised.

- Proverbs 31:30 NKJV

1. She is trustworthy.

She is trustworthy. Emotions do not rule her. Therefore she is never spiteful and never seeks revenge. She treats her husband generously. She supports his efforts to advance himself professionally and encourages him to spend time at work to be productive and profitable.

2. She works diligently.

She works diligently to achieve her goals, always conscientious, hardworking, and professional. She enjoys working with people and has a strong sense of responsibility.

3. She is thrifty.

She knows how to maximize her money and resources. She uses them carefully without waste. Likewise, she does not waste her time or money on the frivolous or superficial.

4. Her business affairs are profitable.

She has savings because she treats her business as a business with a budget, not just like a hobby. Then she uses her business as a step toward financial freedom.

5. She speaks with wisdom.

She speaks with wisdom. She expresses excitement about life and the future. Correspondingly, she sees an exciting destiny for herself and everyone around her.

6. She's a skilled homemaker.

She makes her home attractive and cozy but not extravagant. She creates a home that is both physical and emotional shelter from the storms of the world. Her house is where family and friends gather in pleasant converse and loving companionship.

7. She helps others.

She is welcoming to friends and strangers. Her good heart shines through in her work with her family and community. She is a person who inspires and uplifts others both emotionally and in concrete physical ways.

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8. She is eager to get started.

She has a good attitude, works hard, and never complains. She knows that she has things to learn, but she is confident in her abilities. She loves what she does. She is a good worker, cheerful, and always ready for anything.

9. She dresses well.

She doesn't just throw on the first thing she finds in her closet. She cares about how she looks and presents herself to others. Similarly, she dresses appropriately for the occasion, whether a job interview or a night out.

10. She stays prepared and doesn't worry.

She faces the future with a smile on her face. She doesn't worry about things she can't change, and she always has a plan B or C. In this way, she remains calm and joyful when things don't go the way she anticipated.

11. She watches over her family.

In addition to her duties, she's responsible for her husband and children, too. Her job description is simple: keep home fires burning, raise the children, and tend to her husband. She provides and nurtures them without the expectation of credit.

12. She lives in fear of the Lord.

She abides with God and is not afraid of what this world offers. She's not afraid to speak out about what she believes and how it affects her life. She does not dread talking about God and His Word. She's not fearful of what people might think or say about her actions or beliefs.

Being a woman of worth means more than just clean living with a good job and a nice family. It's about being aware and alert to life's vital subtleties through the wisdom of the Holy Spirit and using the strength of God to handle life gracefully.