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Best New Year’s Resolutions

to Set Yourself Up for Success in the Year Ahead

December 17, 2017

“that you put off, concerning your former conduct, the old man which grows corrupt according to the deceitful lusts, and be renewed in the spirit of your mind, and that you put on the new man which was created according to God, in true righteousness and holiness.”

Ephesians 4:22-24 NKJV

New Years is one of my favorite times of the year. It’s full of promise and possibility as well as a fresh start to becoming a better me and living the life of my dreams. I like making New Year’s Resolutions and I like to make them in a way that I know I will be successful. Here are my simple New Year’s Resolutions.

A Fun Resolution

The first resolution I make is one I can do quickly and will truly enjoy. Nothing like a quick win to start the year with a bang! My go-to for this resolution is to have dinner or a virtual happy hour with a friend I haven’t connected with lately. Other ideas would be date night with your spouse or significant other, calling your parents or grandparents. Think of the type of things you’ve wanted to do but have been putting off. Make the resolution, put the date on the calendar for no later than next week, make it happen, and congratulate yourself on your success!

A Life-Changing Resolution

This resolution addresses the things in life that require ongoing maintenance, such as diet, exercise, finances or organization. When making a life-changing resolution focus more on the habit rather than an end goal. For example, if I wanted to lose weight, rather than make my resolution lose 10 pounds, I would resolve to eat at least five vegetables every day or work out at least 15 minutes every day. These are habits that can be easily created, yet will help me achieve my goal while also having the potential to be an ongoing part of my lifestyle. This is a big win because a change in my life is what I’m really trying to achieve.

A Mind-Expanding Resolution

I once heard a minister say that education and religion were the only things that made people change. Romans 12:2 clearly states this when it talks about being transformed by the renewing of your mind.

And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.
Romans 12: 2 NKJV​

The mind-expanding resolution is about going deeper in your faith walk or increasing your knowledge in an area. Not just knowing facts but really making them apart from your being so you operate in the knowledge without conscious thought. For this resolution, I focus on intention. For example rather than a resolution of reading the whole Bible this year, I might resolve to read the Bible from beginning to end looking for evidence of God’s love throughout the entire story. By focusing on the intention I’m more likely to get the mind-expanding result I’m seeking.

I think resolutions are a great way to start a New Year, and the resolutions don’t have be complex. A fun resolution, a life-changing resolution, and a mind-expanding resolution are the three resolutions I use to make my year successful.

What is your favorite New Year’s Resolution or favorite type of New Year’s Resolution? Please share in the comments below.