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Celebrate Father's Day This Year By Saying and Displaying Your Thanks

To Dad and Father God

June 11, 2022

Being a father is one of the most challenging jobs out there. Some fathers go to extremes to help their children, just as Father God goes to extremes to help us. Let’s thank and celebrate dad and Father God this Father’s Day; here are a few tips to help.

Thank Fathers for sacrificing for their children

Dads are awesome. They work hard, play hard, and sacrifice for their families. We often count on dads to labor to provide for the family's every need. Father God also sacrificed for us by giving His Son. Sadly we sometimes take the sacrifice and provisions for granted. Today, let both dad and Father God know how much they are appreciated.

Celebrate dad by saying thank you. Be as specific in your thanks as possible. Tell him that you notice the time and sacrifice he makes to care for you.

Give thanks and praise to your heavenly Father also. Start the day by greeting Him with thanksgiving and love. Be sure to let Father God know you love Him for being the great I Am. Let Him know this before starting your list of requests.

Thank Fathers for supporting and instructing their children

Dads are there to support and comfort their children. Dads offer their children a shoulder to cry on and a powerful arm to lean on. Dads instruct and discipline their children because they love them. Father God also gives us comfort and instruction through His Word. We receive direction from Father God through conviction from the Holy Spirit.


Celebrate dad by giving him your time. Spend time with your dad doing something he enjoys doing. Perhaps get curious and learn something new about him or his childhood. Savor the time knowing that not everyone is blessed to have their father with them.

Praise your heavenly Father by spending time in His Word. Get curious about Father God and use the Word to learn more about His nature. Then be obedient to His instruction.

Thank Fathers for providing for their children

Dads have tons of fun with their kids. They delight in the time they spend with their children. Because they spend time with us, they know what we need and like. Based on that knowledge, they can provide the things we need and give us good gifts. We love dads for the good gifts they give us. Father God also provides for our needs and offers good blessings.

If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask Him!

- Matthew 7:11 NKJV

Celebrate dad by giving him a lasting token of your love. It can be as simple as a written card listing the things you admire about him. It could also be more extravagant, like a new golf club or something he could use regularly. Spread the love and give a special gift to dad.

Praise your heavenly Father by spreading His love. Use your hands, talents, and treasure to demonstrate the love of Father God to those you encounter. Pray for the wisdom to see and act on an opportunity to give the gift of God’s love to another person.

Our earthly fathers and Father God want nothing more than to be there for those they love. Take the time to tell and show them how much you care and what they mean to you. We should let our fathers know how much we appreciate them and honor them as they deserve.