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Get a Fresh Start with a

Spring Bucket List


March 19, 2023

Do you want to dream bigger and live more creatively this Spring? Consider inviting Father God to help you explore your passions and then use them to move forward with personal development. Let's lean into the season and discover what preparations are needed to make your spirit and mind fertile for the growth Father God has planned for you this Spring.

You are most effective in an untroubled state of being.

- Cultivate Calm: The Weekly Devotional Study for Multifaceted Christian Women

Let me share some steps you can take to relax and maximize the benefits of Spring, which is a time of renewal and fresh starts. Just as the earth is blossoming, you can too. Set aside time to meet with Father God, ask Him some questions, and listen for the answers. Take time to set new goals for yourself.

Step 1. Prepare the soil.

Meet at a time when you’re not in a rush.

Meet in a location where you feel physically comfortable.

Talk with Father God about:

What in your life needs renewal?

What do you want to nurture so it can grow?

What would He like to co-create with you?

Is there anything you need to let go of to prevent the planted seeds from being strangled?

Step 2. Plant the seeds.

Listen for His answer and create a vision for your days, weeks, and months this Spring.

  • Spiritual self-care 

How can you deepen your relationship with Father God?

Is there a devotional or section of the Bible that you should explore in depth?

Should you plan some walks and talks with Father God to allow Him to speak to you through His creation?

  • Environmental Self-care

Are there home projects requiring attention?

Does your physical space need decluttering as a first step to clearing your mental space?

  • Mental and emotional self-care

What should you consume mentally?

What books do you want to read?

What movies or television series do you want to watch?

  • Social Self-care

Are there new recipes to try and gatherings to host?

Are there people you should visit or relationships to foster or nurture?

  • Financial Self-care

Where should you focus your financial resources this Spring?

Is debt reduction needed?

Are financial resources best used for new experiences or investment in your education?

Should funds be set aside for future needs?

  • Is there something brand new you should take on? 

Add the actions, events, and trips to your bucket list. Then pencil them in on your calendar, and assign the activities a date or a timeline. If debt reduction was on your list, add the payoff dates to your calendar.

Step 3. Pray for rain.

Ask for God’s blessing for the plans that you have made together. Ask Him to remind you to be flexible in the implementation so that you don’t miss His presence or an opportunity to share His love with others at an unexpected time.

Step 4. Rejoice and give thanks.

Now that you’ve penciled out your bucket list for Spring: rejoice and get excited about the plans. Give thanks to God for the wisdom in preparing the plans. Thank Him for the energy to carry out the projects. Thank Him for how He’ll use the goals for His glory and your growth.

The creation of your spring bucket list gives you the tools to relax. You’re not alone because you created the plan with Father God. You know your schedule for the Spring and the tools needed to bring forth the vision. You’ve included the deep breaths of time alone with Father God and opportunities for fellowship with family and friends. You’re open to being flexible with your plan to get through any rough spots or help another person through their rough patch. You’re in your untroubled state of being where you're most effective in implementing your goals.